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Pro Wrestlers = Athletes

Being a professional wrestler is not an easy job and takes a whole lot of heart, dedication and hard work to become one. During matches, Wrestlers must make quick decisions and some can lead to serious accidents. It is a physically demanding sport and real injuries occur constantly. The moves are real! You cannot fake a slam, or a chair shot, or a head to the pole! This is part of what makes wrestling so incredible! Wrestlers are amazing athletes whose bodies take a beating week after week, sometimes day after day, for their passion, for their fans.

Your fans thank you for your hard work, dedication and devotion which brings us to our feet cheering at the top of our lungs with gigantic smiles on our faces. May you all always walk away with only minor scrapes and bruises, the sound of our cheering deafening in your ears, and smiles in your hearts to remember us until we see you again, next time, in the square ring.


Maryland Championship Wrestling

June 10 at 10:09pm ·

Wrestling is not something you "play" at. It is hard work and some times people get hurt.

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